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[번역 공부] 정치 / 경제 이슈

The government is waging war against loan sharks.


He was charged with obstruction of justice for a police officer.


Social disparity leads to conflict.


The country was being propelled towards civil war.


The candidates tried hard to obtain swing votes.


The Union secured its demand through collective bargaining.


The goverment stepped up its alertness on the undocumented.


A major political scandal erupted before a general election.


The responsibility of the police is to preserve peace.


Confirmation hearing for Prime Minister nominee began.


Relationship between North Korea and the United States are shifting again toward diplomatic brinkmanship.


Negative campaining is hardly new.


The answer is qualified yes.


It is time to change security landscape.


The government is acting only after disasters strike.


The president made a tour of the affected area.


Diplomats receive immunity.


A wholesale attack was made on Palestine.


Manage the crisis to minimize collateral damage.

1. wage war against : ~ 와 전쟁을 벌이다

2. charged with : 기소되다

3. peace : 이러한 문맥에서는 '안보'의 의미로 사용할 수 있음.

4. diplomatic brinkmanship : brinkermanship은 극단적인 정책을 의미함. '벼랑 끝의 외교' 등으로 표현 가능

5. security landscape : 안보 구도

6. immunity : 면역력이라는 뜻 외에 '면책특권'이라는 의미로 사용됨

7. wholesale attack : 무차별 공격

8. collateral damage : collateral은 '부차적으로 발생하는'이라는 의미. '무고한 희생'으로 해석 가능

    ↔ collateral benefit : 어부지리

(+) wide cross-section of society : 사회의 각계각층



The shareholders shall have right of first refusal to buy shares.


Receiver's Correspondent: American Express Bank.


Two companies formed a unique partnership.


I have outstanding bills to pay off.


Check your bank balance.


This table will allow you to estimate your monthly principal and interest payment.


Cost of default on sovereign debt.


Find out how to prepare your financial plan.


Hiring picture is rosy in China.


Investors ran for the exits.


The current system deepens social inequity.


We only handle wholesale products.


The government introduced microcredit with no collateral.


When the business cycle turns downward, demand for goods and services drops.


The Korean economy is heading for a soft landing.


We need to target most of the stimulus package to job creation.


The economic indicators are good.


Negative growth will be expected in the American economy.


We need to boost domestic demand.


The company was listed on the stock market.

1. right of first refusal : 우선매수권. refusal은 '거절'의 의미가 있는데, 사전적으로 우선매수권은 "주식을 양도하려는 주주가 외부인이 제시하는 조건대로 먼저 회사나 기존 주주에게 자신의 주식을 매수할 권리를 주고, 회사나 기존 주주가 매수를 거절할 경우 또 다른 외부인에게 양도할 수 있는 것"이기 때문

2. Correspondent : 계약에 따라 지점 업무를 대행해주는 은행을 말함. '거래 대행 은행'

3. unique partnership : 단독 제휴

4. outstanding bills : 체납된 고지서

5. financial plan : 재테크

6. run for the exits : 투자자들이 빠져나간 상황을 의미

7. wholesale products : 도매 상품

8. microcredit : 소액 대출

9. collateral : 담보 

10. soft landing : 경기 순환 단계 중 '성장(growth)'에서 '저성장(soft-growth)' 혹은 잠재적으로 '유지(flat)' 상황으로 가지만 '침체(recession)'는 피하는 것을 의미

11. listed on the stock market : 상장되다